Diss Youth & Community Centre
The building remains temporarily closed to the public following the presence of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) Read more.
The DYCC is currently closed to hirers
Diss Town Council is considering the current and potential future use of the DYCC and its other key properties, specifically the Town Council Offices and Diss Sports Ground.
We are inviting residents to complete a short survey to gain an initial understanding of local opinion and to help inform further work to be carried out on the building.*
Diss Town Council has been successful in being awarded a UK SPF Pride in Place Community Grant, which will cover the costs of a feasibility study to determine the future of the Diss Youth & Community Centre.
The Grant is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) programme.
We have appointed FMG Consulting Ltd to undertake this feasibility study, which will consider several options, determine the likely demand for community facilities, engage with stakeholders & provide projected levels of income and operating costs to ensure best value for the community. The Town Council will continue to work alongside South Norfolk District Council who have been supportive of the process and the outcomes of the study should be known before the end of the year.
*Hard copies of the residents' survey are also available from the Town Council Offices.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts to help guide the future of Diss’ community spaces!
The Diss Youth & Community Centre, or DYCC, is owned and managed by the Town Council and used for a wide variety of activities, meetings and events.
It's one of Diss’ polling stations and is also the home of the Park Radio (107.6FM for Diss, 105.2FM for Harleston) broadcasting studio. If you have any info, news or want to tell the area about an initiative you are involved with, then Park Radio would love to hear from you!