Reopening of Diss Park play areas
5 July 2020
Council Services
In line with the latest Government guidance, we're reopening our beautiful town playground and outdoor gym equipment today, 6th July 2020.
We're excited to welcome you back!
Our reopening plans are in accordance with recent updates from the Government in response to the Covid-19 coronavirus, and we’ll continue to assess the safety of the park on a daily basis.
The health and safety of our residents and visitors is always our number one priority. And, to keep everyone safe, we’ve introduced a number of additional hygiene and safety measures. These include fitting four new, pedal-operated hand sanitising dispensers in the park (one near the gym equipment, one by the toilets and two close to the play areas). Visitors are encouraged to use these dispensers or their own hand sanitiser gel or wipes when using the equipment.
In addition to these measures, visitors are reminded to adhere to our signs and the government guidance regarding health, social distancing and hygiene. This guidance includes:
maintaining a safe distance (for example, when using the play area families are requested to have only one adult supervising)
not consuming food or drink on or near the equipment
limiting group size.
The skateboard park reopened last week. One-way access to the boardwalk, which will run from the gardens to Kingshead Yard, is underway (the boardwalk is also being stained and renovated to preserve its life). And we’re working with hirers regarding the re-opening of the Diss Youth & Community Centre to those groups that can meet the Covid-secure guidelines.
Look out for updates on all of this soon.
For more information and advice, see the Government’s guidance on staying safe outside your home.