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Our latest update regarding Covid-19 measures

6 April 2020

Mayor's Blog

Diss Town Council has taken the pragmatic decision to close Diss Cemetery and the Boardwalk & Gardens until further notice as additional measures to protect residents and visitors during the Covid-19 situation.

The Cemetery will of course be open for burials, but members of the public will no longer be able to access the site. This decision is based on Government guidance regarding the reasons people can leave their homes; visiting a Cemetery other than for a funeral is not one of them. It is vital that the aims of the Government’s measures to slow the spread of the virus are not compromised. We hope residents will be understanding of the requirement for this measure.

Town Councillors and staff continue to answer queries via email and telephone from home and our maintenance team continue to provide essential maintenance services.

The Diss Youth & Community Centre is now only in use by the FareShare Food Scheme. This is an essential voluntary service supplying free food from Tesco and Morrisons to vulnerable people who are without a network of friends and family. Town Councillors and staff are volunteering to support this service by helping with collection and deliveries. The Scheme takes place on Thursdays, 3.30pm – 4pm at the DYCC. For more info, call 07778 896325.

Park Radio is still providing its vital community radio service remotely. Please contact them by email at: or call 01379 21 00 00 (24/7).

Food stalls are continuing to trade in Diss on the Market Place as follows and please ensure you adhere to the social distancing two metre rule when visiting:
• Diana Atkins’ fruit and veg stall trades on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
• The Mummery Brothers’ fish stall trades on Thursdays and Fridays.
• Jonathan Irons’ fruit and veg stall is trading on Fridays.

Please also support the home delivery services offered by Tony Fields’ Discount Deli by phoning 07810 864119 and Diana’s fruit and veg by phoning 07747 840387.

We are also asking residents and visitors to please respect the existing Traffic Regulation Orders that are in place in Diss and specifically the town centre. Mere Street should only be accessed by delivery vehicles and those using the Kingshead Yard car park for essential shopping only. Vehicles exiting the Kingshead car park should turn left and not use Mere Street towards the A1066 to leave the town centre.

To ensure we can support our emergency services as they work hard to focus on Covid-19 patients, we are also asking that people only leave their homes for one of the following four reasons:
• Shopping for basic necessities, such as food or medicine and infrequent as possible.
• One for form of exercise a day, for example a walk, run, or cycle, alone of with members of your household.
• Any medical need, or to provide care or help to a vulnerable person.
• Travelling to and from work, but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home.

What does this mean for you?
• Police will engage and encourage compliance with these rules and may disperse groups of more than two people who do not live with one another. Those who refuse may face a fine.
• New powers came into effect on Thursday 26th March, Officers will approach groups and stress the importance of following these rules.
• Non-essential shops are being closed by Trading Standards – Officers will support them if necessary.
• Play parks and churches have been closed by local authorities.
• Day-to-day policing continues
• NPC Simon Bailey urges people to follow ‘stay at home’ measures: Visit Norfolk Constabulary's website.

If you are concerned that you are unwell or are unsure about your symptoms, use the NHS 111 Coronavirus service or if you cannot get help online, dial 111.

If you are classed as vulnerable and in need of support, please contact the dedicated helpline on 0344 8008020 Monday to Friday – 09:00 – 17:00 Saturday and Sundays – 10:00 to 16:00.

Those wishing to volunteer should visit

If you have any questions about volunteering, applying for roles or registering on the Volunteering Portal, please email

Diss Town Council extends their best wishes to everyone in our local community and would like to especially thank key workers and volunteers for all they are doing to support all members of our community at this very challenging time.

Please keep well, don’t forget the ‘Clap for Carers’ every Thursday at 8pm and follow the Government’s guidance:

Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives.

If you need support, please don’t hesitate to contact Diss Town Council on 01379 643848 or email

Our latest update regarding Covid-19 measures
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