Diss Matters is back
6 October 2020
Council Services
After a brief, pandemic-induced pause, Diss Matters magazine is back and will be flying through local letterboxes throughout this week.
With our spring edition cancelled due to COVID-19, it feels good to be able to, once again, celebrate all that our community has to offer. And just as good to be able to welcome back many organizations that had to close temporarily throughout lockdown and beyond. Our latest issue comes from the heart. We hope you like it. Here’s a taster of what you can expect…
Chips, pics, poems and people
In this issue, we pay special tribute to the individuals, businesses and volunteer groups in our community who kept support and services running despite the challenges presented by the pandemic. There’s a focus on mental wellness and physical health with tips on how, as we move through the pandemic, we can make the most of all Diss has to offer to help preserve both.
There are new features - including a poetry page and a themed gallery of photos sent in by you, our readers. As well as all the old favourites, from council news and an update from our mayor to what’s coming up at The Corn Hall. We meet some new faces, reacquaint ourselves with some familiar figures and look ahead to the rest of the year. We’ve also got a fresh new look – hope you like it?
So sit back, grab a cuppa and enjoy a taste of what matters. And keep in touch! We’d love to hear from you, whether it’s feedback on the mag or ideas for a future feature. Just send an email to: towncouncil@diss.gov.uk