Still time to apply for a Community Grant
19 February 2021
Council Services
If you’re a voluntary or not-for-profit organisation working for the benefit of Diss residents, you could be entitled to a Community Grant. Our total budget for this year is £20,000 and the good news is there’s still £11,860 left in the pot. The even better news? We’ve extended the deadline until 31st March so there’s still time to apply.
What’s the criteria?
Our Community Grant supports local groups who meet at least two of the following:
• Provide a service that benefits the residents of Diss as a whole
• Provide a service that benefits a specific category of Diss residents, particularly disadvantaged or vulnerable sections of the population
• Provide a service or facility not currently offered elsewhere in Diss
• Add to or improve existing facilities
• Make better use of Town Council facilities (such as the DYCC or sports ground)
• Are freely available to all sections of the community.
How do I apply?
First read through our Grant Policy and check that you qualify. If you do, great! Next step is to either:
· fill in a Community Grant Scheme application form electronically or
· print and complete a Community Grant Scheme application form.
When's the deadline?
The Council’s financial year runs from April to March. Applications for grants are usually considered at two points in the year (May and November). But because of the extraordinary circumstances this year, these deadlines are being waived and applicants have until the end of March to submit their form.
Who's benefited so far?
So far this year we’ve allocated grants to support Diss Youth Work, the Diss Community Team and Diss CE Junior Academy PTA.
“The financial support from Diss Town Council has enabled Diss Primary Academy Partnership to repurpose the laptops kindly donated by the local community and convert them to Chromebooks,” says Jo Cerullo, the partnership’s Executive Headteacher. “Together with our existing Chromebooks, these have been lent to families to support access to the Google Classroom. The grant funds have also allowed us to purchase mobile Wi-Fi boxes and dongles for local families so they can access the internet for recorded lessons and join in with the online live discussions that are an essential part of keeping in touch during these difficult times.”
If you need any more information or an application form, please contact us at: