Remembrance Day 2020
7 October 2020
Council Services
Due to COVID-19 and the restrictions around social gatherings, a public Remembrance Day event is not possible this year. Instead, on Sunday 8th November 2020, representatives of key local organisations will lay wreathes, independently paying their respects to those who fought for our country. This will be preceded by a short private act of remembrance by the Reverend Tony Billett in St Mary’s church.
To ensure the event remains COVID-secure, members of the public have not been invited to attend. However, photos will be taken and shared through our website and social media channels. Residents are encouraged to stand on their doorstep at 11am on Remembrance Sunday for a two-minute silence to ensure our fallen heroes are not forgotten, while ensuring that everybody stays safe.
This important day will also be marked by personal and private tributes from members of the community, including schoolchildren who are decorating stones to place at the war memorial alongside the wreathes at St Mary’s church. We will also fly the Union Jack outside the council offices throughout the ceremony and the following week in honour of those who sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom.
These tributes have been designed to honour this important day, whilst also minimising any risk to members of our community. And we thank you for your understanding regarding this.
“At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”